Services: Part-Time CFO
Contact Tony DiGirolamo at or call 610 207 3061.
As your company grows, owners and managers find an increasing need for greater financial and business expertise. A part-time CFO can be a key player in taking your company to the next level. AqualityCFO, LLC brings an experienced CFO with finely honed financial management skills developed over decades of working with a variety of companies in multiple areas with different challenges.
As a part-time CFO, we provide the functions in all the other categories where AqualityCFO, LLC provides services depending on client needs. In addition, we can be involved in staff selection or other aspects as needed.
AqualityCFO, LLC provides its clients with the benefits of professional financial leadership on a part-time basis without the expense of a full-time CFO or Controller. The client gets just the needed amount of CFO expertise from a CFO with the full toolkit.